WAM Alliance is comprised of a small Board of Directors whom all are trauma survivors themselves, possessing the utmost compassion and understanding for those suffering from trauma or other ailments.
Helping as many people as possible.  

We provide Suicide Loss and trauma survivors, LGBTQ2+, and otherwise distressed with support and resources. We help obtain personal documentation, state benefits, employment, transportation services, and much more.  

WAM Alliance offers trainings and support on government assistance applications, job searching, creating resumes, planning & budgeting, along with alternative healing, and self-care! 

We provide food, clothing, shelter resources, as well as funding for those who qualify.

WAM Alliance believes in teaching a human to fish,
not just feeding a human a fish.

Life is more about learning, loving, & healing, while unlearning the limited beliefs we have been taught, about being "good enough" or "lovable".  


Changing the world one soul at a time!